Sunday, 3 November 2013

So, what’s your ideal Plan for affiliate success?

Well, to tell you the absolute truth there is no single answer for this question simply because everyone is different...

Your tastes, skills, interests, and overall goals will affect how you decide to organize your network of sites.  The important lesson to take away from this course is how to grow a network of web sites, how to make them viral, and how to promote them for search engine rankings.

This guide is not about telling you how to use your time, efforts and money. You can work at your own pace, and take it one step at a time...and as long as you actually start getting work done you will be able to see results!

Your ideal plan, is the first steps you should be taking to stop working for someone else and start growing your own business.  Your “BLUE PRINT” so to speak, should be FOCUSING every action you take to make your internet presence more valuable to YOU – not someone else.

What This Guide is NOT:

The “Affiliate Marketing Success Road Map” is not a way for you to cheat your visitors, the search engines, or do anything considered unethical.  It really is a straight solution to starting a viral explosion of long term internet profits. 

It is not a get rich scheme, or anything else.  The ultimate goal should be to have your own network of sites that grows every month, or every time you take action.

I bet you are wondering why this information isn’t in other “info-products”

The main reason this information isn’t readily available is that the “experts” don’t think you will put the effort out.  They believe that you aren’t willing to put any effort into growing something for yourself.  

Not only that but if you are willing to spend 97 dollars on a digital download, and not be any competition – why would they tell you how to start your own network?

I know how hard I am willing to work for success for my family and my children’s future. 

Growing a network of sites takes effort and work.  It doesn’t take as much as you think, and you really can work at your own pace.  

Did you know that most “affiliate marketers” almost never make more than one sale?  That’s crazy.   I know that if you put effort into building your own network of web sites, that in time your income will grow.  If you just put in an hour a week, you will be so much better off than you are right now.

Affiliate - Road Map

“To succeed at internet marketing you need a growing network of websites. These sites will feed each other traffic, pre-sell affiliate programs, generate adsense revenue, and grow your opt-in e-mail lists.”

There are several ways for you to do this, but they all require a basic skill set.  I’m assuming you know the basics of hosting, getting a website, and creating one.  If you have no idea how to do any of this, it isn’t that hard. 

I will be showing you some tools later on that let you create websites and actually “SEE” what you are doing as you do it.  So don’t worry, if you are not quite sure how to put up your own website, get a hosting account and all that other “scary” stuff you: it is really quite easy, and you will learn about it in this guide...

Here really is all you need to do to get started:

1.  Get a domain name
2.  Get a reseller account
3.  Make your first site
4.  Make your second site
5.  Link them together
6.  Promote them
7.  Make another site
8.  Link them together
9.  Promote them

Road Map – First Steps

Get a reseller or Bulk Hosting account

The first step in your Blue Print should be getting your first website.  Make this one a learning experience, but you should also set things up so you have room to grow NOW.  Why would you pay 20 bucks to host a website when you can host 50 websites for just a few dollars more?

There are many hosting companies that offer bulk hosting or reseller accounts. Hostgator, Towerhost, and many others.  Many of them such as Towerhost have training videos to help you get started.

You will need to register a domain name prior to ordering your reseller account.  Again if this is new to you, don’t worry. If you simply go to you will be walked through the few easy steps of getting your very own domain name.

Once you have your first web site hosted, you will want to start laying out your site.

Website Layout

Once you have your hosting and domain name situated, it’s time to start thinking about how your first site is going to look.  There are quite a number of options in regards to how to find your “look”.

·       Join a template membership site - This is not a good idea unless you are comfortable editing PHOTOSHOP files.  AplusTemplates is affordable and they do have a nice selection. The membership is about worthless if you can’t edit the templates or pay someone to do it for you.

·       Get Xarawebstyle4 – Awesome idea with very low learning curve.  I use this on a regular basis still.  I also suggest getting Xarax when you buy webstyle4.  XaraX is about the easiest to use vector based graphic system out there -

·       Get Dreamweaver or Frontpage – Frontpage  has a low learning curve, but Dreamweaver gives you a lot more room to grow.  If you have any students in the household you can get the full Dreamweaver MX suite for about $199. 

There are dozens of books and on-line tutorials to help you learn it as well. Michael Worthington creates great videos on Dreamweaver as well. 

·       Don’t want to spend the cash? Try NVU: it’s free!

·       Get XsitePro – you will still need a template and one of the editors above, but this product can churn out so many OPTIMIZED pages that it’s worth the investment

·       Or if you just don’t have the time, energy, or skills to learn all that right now and want to get started, you might want to consider joining a program like Niche Site Special.. Niche Site Special gives you completed products and ENTIRE websites every single month. Since you have purchased this product  , I have gotten Special Permission to get you a really nice discount on membership.  Click on that link above, then come back here to get the discount if you like what you see.  Discounted NSS membership.

·       You can also hire someone to make your website – although this will get VERY expensive as you add more and more sites.  A ten page targeted keyword niche site is about 300 to 1000 dollars.  Services like Stmadeveloper offer affordable niche sites, but they can’t always meet demand – so you should probably have a back up. 

·       If you make sure your host has “FANTASTICO”, you can install with one click several content management scripts, blogs, and other scripts to help with making a website.  One of the extra benefits of fantastico is that you can keep your forums, blog scripts, and contact forms updated to the latest version and NOT use a programmer.

·       Last and not least you can code the sites yourself.  It’s not that hard to learn HTML. There are literally thousands of on-line tutorials.  Using a wysiwyg editor may be the easiest option for new learners.  If you are willing to get started, but don’t want to put the funds out for expensive software, tools, or editors – go back up to the link to NVU and download it.  You will need to learn a little, but NVU is a great alternative to hand coding.

The Absolute Simplest And Easiest Way To Get Started!

There are many ways you can get started, you can set up your own website, create a viral e-book...and those are all pretty easy, but still not the absolute easiest!

I would say that the easiest way to get started is Blogging.  Running a blog that you can install via fantastico is a new webmasters dream.  One click installation, and then all you have to do is add content.  Wordpress is a great choice for a new Blogger, but even if you can’t afford to get hosting or domain names yet, you can still get started Blogging.

Do a search for free Blogs, but chances are you will end up wanting to use – they are free and the Blogs are quite nice.
The best part about using Blogs is that they actually “ping” services to tell them that you have added new content.  Many of those places then syndicate your content and that brings you back links and plenty of public awareness.

Blogging isn’t for everyone.  I know I struggle with it, because I don’t really like talking about what I am doing – I would just rather DO IT.  But a Blog is a great way to both accomplish something and DO something all at once. Give it a shot – remember you can start a Blog up for free.  You will want to add revenue streams into your blog by customizing. What to base your web sites on?

Many experts on the subject of Niche Sites will tell you that you have to pick high paying keywords only.  There are so many searches on so many topics every day that you really can get traffic and interest in just about any “sub” category you want. 

What I am saying is - don’t make your sites about fishing – make them about Walleye fishing instead.  A great free way to pick your topics a little easier is: Just enter in a major keyword and it will spit out some other suggestions and help you find your competition.

Your first site should be about something you enjoy.  Writing for the Keywords isn’t any fun, so pick a topic you know something about and just do it.

How exacly do you pick a topic?

There are many places to pick a topic for your site. My favorite I think is the Lycos Top 50.

It’s not the most popular search engine, but the Top 50 list is a great way to find what people are searching for.  They also keep archives.  Here is the URL:  

If you’re just starting out your not going to be able to compete with the top 50 that are listed, but with a little imagination, you can come up with sub topics based on what Lycos tells you.  If you keep looking long enough, you might even find some patterns and be able to figure out some of the future top searches –

Use a keyword service.  There are literally hundreds of software programs that help you pick keywords. I like SeoLite by Brad Callen – however, it has a very hefty price tag.  There are other services offering keywords on particular niches for as low as $15 per month. I suggest shopping around until you find one you are happy with.

If you are really looking to see what is popular – go find some of the most visited blogs on the net.  What are they writing about and getting people to leave comments?  If people are taking the time to comment on someone else’s blog – it’s a good thing.

Just write about what you are interested in.  Passion will win out every day of the week.   If you turn out ‘real’ content that serves a purpose the engines will eat you up and other sites will link to you.  That might mean you have to leave the “internet marketing” field, but the rewards are tremendous.

Go to and “browse top sellers”. This is a great way to find out what everyone is buying.  In case you haven’t figured it out yet – go to where the public interest is.

Use “nichebot” - It lets you enter in keywords and it will return the top results.  Use it to find niches that have less competition.

How to Find Good Content And Fill Up Your Website

Forums are filled with people who know more about any given topic than you do.  While you can’t plagiarize what they are saying, you sure can learn a lot.  If you don’t understand something there will be people to help you.

When I come up with a new niche idea, or concept for a content site, one of the first things I do is go to 
A few hours reading through sitepoint can be worth several thousand dollars in ideas. 

There are also other great forums, but when it comes to internet marketing there is none better than the “Warrior Forum”

There are places like Niche Site Special that sells entire website packs, places like Nicheology that sells the “guts” of an idea, or freelancers who have article packs.

Also, if you are looking to get a whole lot of content all at once, go to

And check out Dima Sorokine’s package, there is a lot of great content in it and it is well worth every penny of the price he charges. 

Another place to get exactly what you want written is in forums. Just ask for writers to give you bids on content about XYZ.  You can also go to places like Scriptlance and get 100’s of writers, programmers, and editors bidding on your project.

Just beware – you get what you pay for. Many “low” bids will just be stolen work. Make sure you use Copyscape on anything you buy…before you pay.

I realize though that I am not an expert on everything.  There are thousands of people that know more than I do about a zillion things.  When it’s time to write some new content on something I am not very familiar with, I start reading blogs, forums, and articles on the topic. 

I take notes so I can refresh myself on the topics.  When I am done learning about the topic I sit down and start writing.   I end up with an original piece of work, and my notes let me reference any sources that I should.

Search Engine Optimization is a must – each step of the way

As you create your sites you need to keep several things in mind. The most important part is making your sites search engine friendly right off the bat.

Here are some tips and resources to help you accomplish that properly.

1.) Pick keywords using a free service or a paid service like seolite, wordtracker, or others.  I usually get by using Mcdar and Nichebot.

2.) Make sure your pages all  have Meta-tags and Titles.  Learn a little about meta-tags at places like  

3.) Make sure you link to your other sites using anchor text.
4.) Learn to read your web stats- .  Chances are your site already has awstats in the control panel and that will be all you need to really see who is visiting your site and what keywords are bringing them there.

5.) Link all your pages back to your home page using Anchor Text Links.

6.) Make sure you understand the basic principles of Search Engine Optimization.  Sites like , and others can help you.

7.) BUILD LINKS – using anchor text terms.

Make Your Sites Easy To Edit And Link To Other Sites You Own

NOTE: Some of the parts in this section of the guide are a little technical, but once again don’t worry if you don’t understand. This guide is more about fundamentals than tech stuff anyways.

For advanced users on a Linux/Unix server you should be using includes wherever you can. When you have 50 websites and you want to make changes it’s a nightmare to edit a few thousand pages by hand. 

There are several ways to do includes – both with PHP and with Server Side Includes – do a Search to find the one that is right for you. 

You should be linking your sites together on a regular basis.  This will make your sites viral – people will click from site to site so they don’t have to go back and search from scratch.

Make As Many Sites As You Like With Out Spending More Money

Once you have your first site complete you are actually already 80 percent completed on your next site.  Did you realize that you now own the rights to the words you have written?

You don’t want to use duplicate content if you can avoid it – so rewrite what you have written for the first site.  For just about 20 percent more work you have two completed sites.

You should link all these sites together for maximum effect.

Again, I like to write in “themes” more than I go for just keywords. I’m trying to build an avalanche of traffic and repeat visitors – not just a quick click on adsense. If I provide some valuable information on my web sites I find that the Bookmark ratio is great and I get repeat visitors and more “free” links back to my sites.

Pumping Your Websites Full Of Traffic

As may have already known, there are more ways than one to get people to visit your websites. Here are the easiest and most basic ways to do this...

On-line Classifieds:

It’s been widely reported that On-line Classifieds are a complete waste of time – and they are if you are trying to use them to promote a web site.  However, using them for free link backs to your site isn’t a bad idea. 

This isn’t worth a whole lot of your time – so don’t concentrate on it.  A few links in classifieds are a good idea though as they are free back links to your site.  Some paid services like USfreeads allow you to make whole pages to promote your site/ad. 

This is a great way to get a back link with some highly targeted surrounding text.  The benefit will be up to you though as there are other places to do the same thing for free.

Smart E-zine Advertising :

If you place an e-zine ad and NEVER get a sale did you waste all your money? Not if the e-zine you published your ad with actually has an on-line archive. 

Anytime your Live URL is active somewhere it is usually a good thing.  Search for e-zine with affordable rates and advertise in them with your ‘anchor text’ terms. 

If you don’t know what anchor text is…. Go here:

If you have never advertised in an E-zine before and are a little hesitant may I suggest going to

– Merle has done a great job of setting a site up where you can actually BID on advertising space.

Directory listings:

Directory Listings are a very important part of the Search Engine Optimization game – and if you do it right you can even generate traffic this way.  Here is a list of a ton of free directories – this is the best resource I have found period.

They are changing formats right now to also include paid listings, but it does not appear that they will be getting rid of their free directory listings.

Paid directory inclusions may be a good idea if you can find a “niche” directory that is getting targeted traffic to your sites topic.  This will be the only way you can count on getting some traffic in return for the directory listings, if any traffic is generated from the “free” listings it will be just through luck for the most part.  The main reason you are submitting to the directories is for a nice high PR backlink.

Link exchanges: how to do them right – and make sure you aren’t ripped off.

Link exchanges are a fast way to brand your website.  You can't do it automated though, you need to write to other webmasters and ask them to exchange links with you.

It will take time and I think it's almost a waste of time. Sure some people will argue with me, but I know how hard it is.
Instead why don't you go to where webmasters are searching for link exchanges already? 

There are 100's of webmaster forums, marketing forums and more where other webmasters are working on their branding......and they want to exchange links with you!

Right now I have 4 posts on various forums looking for link partners. I put them up this morning and tonight I have 11 link exchanges complete.  I can already see the increase in traffic and Google has already "found" one of my websites that it hadn't crawled yet. By this time tomorrow I will have a 4 new websites on their way to a profitable future and a higher search engine ranking.  It didn't take much time, and the results are phenomenal.

I disagree with trading links just for a Page Rank boost – if I am taking space up on my website I expect some traffic in return.  So make sure you ask your linking partners if they are getting any traffic

If you are not getting much traffic yet it’s hard to be pushy on this topic. You are just going to have to gamble on their site growing as yours does.

Believe it or not exchanging links is risky business and there are many ways for you to get cheated EVEN WHEN YOU SEE YOUR LINK ON THEIR SITE!

Stuff to watch out for:
1.) Robots.txt file

Did you know that in the root directory of every website there is a robot.txt file that tells the search engine spiders where to go or not go?  They can tell them to not follow your link.  After a new link exchange wait a few days (and on a regular basis if your suspicious), check it out. Most of the time you can view it by going to

You can also change your user agent for your browser to be "Googlebot", and if you don't see your link on their site, neither do the search engines.  This is a little complicated to do – so you should really do a search and get some expert advice before you try it.

2.) Making your hyperlink not able to be followed by the search engines.  This is pretty easy and all you have to do is view the page source. Look for this type of code: <a href="" rel=nofollow">Your site name</a>

Of course, and your site name would be your link. The "nofollow" part tells the search engines NOT to follow your link to your site.  You won't get a PR credit for that link.

3.) Javascript usually isn't spidered by google. So if your link is inside javacode you are probably wasting your time.

4.) Inline Frames.  Inline frames are other websites "nested" inside a website.  You can usually tell they are there because they have a scroll bar, but they don't always.  View the page source and look for tell tale signs of a inline frame.

5.)  The most common way of cheating of course, is to take YOUR link off their page a few weeks later.  An organized plan of keeping track of who is linking to you is in order before you even start. I collect the person I am exchanging links with name, email, hyperlink url, and text. I also collect the exact page they say they are listing me on.........

Do Press releases

A well written press release is a great way to both boost page rank and get some immediate traffic – don’t expect a flood though. I’m not going to teach you to be a writer here, but every good press release has the basic laws of Journalism...who, what, when, where, why and how.

A press release is not an ad and shouldn’t be written as such.  Read a newspaper article and your press release should be the same format.

A great suggestion on when to release your press release is once you know ALL the bugs are worked out of your website.

Using forums to really get the traffic flowing

I spend 30 minutes a day in forums.  Why?  It makes me money and I get to do what I enjoy – helping people.

See most forums allow you to post your signature below your name (look for the place where you edit your profile in the menu).  This should be active anchor text links for the maximum benefit.  Almost every single “helpful” post I do get at least 3 or 4 click throughs to my sites.  That’s on the day I do it. Over the “life” of the post I usually get hit by the search engines if the forum is SEO friendly, and several more clicks.  I did a test with one of my sites a few months ago. I only linked to it in forums and had it set up so the Search Engines wouldn’t index it.

After 30 days I had 1900 unique visitors.  Remember I only spend about 30 minutes in forums a day.  I spend that time participating instead of promoting though.  The best part about Forum Traffic that you get because you helped someone is that they already have built a relationship with you.  Don’t be one of those confrontational jerks.  If your genuinely helpful and do forum posting on a regular basis, it really can be your only method of promotion.

If you are not experienced at this you might not be aware of some of the more popular forums or forums that are search engine friendly. Here is a short list to get you started:

Blogs – should you be a “Blogger”?

One word – YES!  Blogs are a great way to really drive the Search Engines where you want them to go plus they generate a ton of traffic if you write well.

If you can’t write well, well that is what reprint rights on articles are for.

If you have fantastico in your webhosting control panel you can set up wordpress in about 5 seconds. 

Did you know that if you have a blog other sites want to know (and link back to you) the moment you make a new post?  It’s called pinging and while I could fill another 30 pages on this, I don’t have too.  Just do this.

1.)Install wordpress.

2.)Set it up the way you like it via the admin panel.

3.)Under “options” click the “writing” link.

4.)Scroll down until you see “Update Services”. There is probably a single link in a box below that just add all this:

Every single url there will be ‘notified’ after you make a post on your blog.  I use my blogs (yes, I have more than one), to promote my products, tell others what I am doing, goof off, and of course for the obvious Search Engine benefits.

Google SiteMap (Beta)

Google has released the ability for every day webmasters like us to actually TELL them about our sites.  All you have to do is upload to Google a “XML COMPLIANT” sitemap.  They have a certain format they want it in.

If your feeling like your froggy, go do a search for a google site map generator.  I had a heck of a time using all of the ones I could find out there...

I finally found one that worked on my server and was a breeze to set up. 

They say that this script won’t work on all servers, so if it doesn’t work on yours, just ask for a refund and they will give you one if they can’t get it to work for you.

It’s part of NicheSiteSpecial – but if you don’t want to join you can just order the site map generator.

Our testing using this tool is leading us to believe that it should be an integral part of your promotions.  Just one of the sites we have used it on has over 500 pages listed in Google in just under 3 weeks.

Using articles to generate traffic

If you can’t write an article you should have a couple written for you by a decent writer.  These articles are a gold mine of traffic, Page Rank, and of course establishing yourself as an expert in your field.  I have written hundreds of articles under various pen names to point to a multitude of my sites, and my client’s sites.

It’s getting harder to use the article directories to generate traffic though, because unlike a few months ago – all these directories are getting stripped by bots and scrapers for the content.  You have the right to have your resource box intact when it’s published.  Do searches for your articles title and if you find they aren’t linking back to you correctly contact them and ask them politely.

If they don’t fix their obvious “oversight”, you do have the right to contact their host, to inform them that they are publishing your copy written work with out your permission.  The host can be held liable if they don’t force the site to comply.  I’m not a lawyer, but you can also send a cease and desist order, and several other things to force them to comply.

My favorite places to submit articles are:

There are literally hundreds of places to submit your articles.  Make sure you post in as many places as you have time for, or purchase one of the “submitters” to do it automatically.  I recommend doing your homework on these though as many out there are outdated.

The fact is you don’t need to spend thousands getting secret software to get indexed.  You just need to write great articles.

Your article should have:

·       A great title –  this is no different than using something catchy in an ad.

·       A Great TOPIC – if no one is interested in what you are writing about why should you expect anyone to publish it?

·       A resource box to “close” the sale.

·       And above all you have to promote it.  Submit it to several directories.  Link to it in your forum signatures, link to it from your websites.  If you do this – it will get published. 

Don’t forget to proofread your article – bad grammar can kill its effectiveness.
Paid link purchases – getting your moneys worth

There is nothing wrong with buying links.  If you were to purchase Search Engine Optimization from a company this is what they will be doing – why are you going to pay someone else to do it for you. Go to and other similar sites to purchase links.

The good news about purchased links is you are not only buying Search Engine rankings, but in many cases you are also buying immediate traffic. If you have set your network of sites up to send traffic to itself, that’s even better.

Great places to get FREE keyword rich links

While directories, classifieds, e-zine ads and other places all give you a way to get links back to your site – how many places let you fill in the content and keywords for the pages your links appear on?

Not many. 

I have found several sites made by Stmadeveloper that allow free advertising.  The first is  – it’s ad free and you can make your own keyword rich page that includes keywords, page title, and more.

Another one is they have a link in the members area to create a “product” review.  It is acceptable to make another search engine friendly page for your website there.  Here is an example of what one looks like:

Imagine if you did this for every affiliate program you were involved in?

I’m telling you my secret places I have found for myself to get Search Engine Traffic from – I hope you take advantage of my own resources and use them for your benefit.

Sticking It All Together And Getting Everything To Work

Here is exactly what I do to earn income every day from affiliate programs and Adsense.  I’m not holding anything back the only thing you really need to learn is how to register a domain name, host it, and build it. If you already have those skills you can put my plan into action today.

I’ve hit parts of the plan above and basically given you an outline of all the things I use to set the plan into action.  But here is exactly what I do with every site I make.

The first thing I do is pick a topic. 

Let’s say for example the topic is Search Engine Optimization.  I know I will never rank well for Search Engine Optimization the competition is just to fierce.

instead of trying to rank well fro SEO, I am going for “seo branding” which does get searches but there is a lot less competition.

I’m narrowing down the terms I need to rank well for – but more importantly I will cross promote several of my other sites. Building up page rank and pass through traffic as I go.

When traffic comes to it, they will either close the window, click an adsense ad, or follow through to one of my other sites.

I could have gone further and added a newsletter, or other promotional material.  I like to keep my sites light and loading fast though.

Once I have the site up, it’s time to start building links up – I go through and do everything I listed above for each site as I make it. It only takes a couple hours and the return over the next couple of months is worth it.

I then start another site – either on a similar topic or totally off the wall, and keep going.  I work at this for about an hour a day 5 days a week. I now have over 100 websites out there.  There is no reason you can’t do this.

How To Save Some Time

If your crunched for time – who isn’t?  There are some great ways to both reduce the amount of time needed to get your network off the ground and save you money.

·       Buy content outright: You can find writers in almost any forum.

·       Buy completed websites – check out sitepoint and for websites for sale.

·       Have someone make you a website – I suggest going with a reputable company for this.  OR make sure you use copyscape on whatever you purchase.  I’ve redone many content sites that my clients paid someone else to make and they later found themselves having stolen content.

·       Join a service like that gives you all the sites, products, and materials you need to start your own website network.

·       Join a membership site like nicheology that just gives you the framework of a product or website. Or, buy the package from

·       Join other sites that give content as part of their membership site.

·       Buy content packs from the Warrior Forum Special Offers section.

·       Rewrite your own previous content to cut down on time.

·       Or if your just looking for speed and money saving – just republish others articles and include the resource box.

That should be enough to get you started down the road to becoming your own webmaster of a powerful network.  Getting started is the most important part – so go do that right now. 

If you feel overwhelmed and know you need help, I really suggest you join one of the niche site membership sites that are out there. just make sure they will give you video tutorials, content, materials, and full web site content to get you started.

Final Words

What I have just given you is the basic plan, a road map to affiliate success that can be duplicated over and over again until you have dozens of websites all linked with one another providing you with a nice monthly income...all from the comfort of your own home J

Now, I’m sure you can set aside a few hours a day to follow this road map to affiliate success and get started on your very first website in the very near future.

But before you do anything, I must say this:

While the information I have given you can easily be used to make dozens of websites they generate thousands of dollars a month of income...your first website will be the hardest one to make simply because you have very little experience.

But once you make your first website, your next one will be much easier and before you know it you’ll be pumping them out as if you have some sort of website factory!

So just because making your first website is not the easiest thing in the world, don’t get gets much easier!

Good Luck!  

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